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Welcome to my Web site! ^-^

My name is Autumn (Ashley works too), and I am the owner of this site (one of the sites of all time, in fact :3). Now here's some trivia about me:

I'm a transgender girl and fox therian, and use it/she pronouns!

I'm also polyamorous and lesbian/sapphic (WLW)

I'm a teenager (born 12/19/2006)

I'm from Indiana

DNI if:



transphobic (and no transmeds you are not exempt.)

ykw yeah just don't be an asshole k?

More about this site:

This site was designed using the modern masterpiece of software known as Microsoft FrontPage 98. The system specifications of the computer I was running FrontPage 98 on will be listed below:

Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 4) running on system, in multi-boot configuration with XP Professional, XP Professional x64, Vista Ultimate, 7 Ultimate, 8 Pro with MCE and 10 Education, all because I had some spare time to install all this stuff :P

CPU: AMD Athlon II X2 255 Processor

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 7300 SE



This page will eventually be rewritten to be more workable and less generic, but for the timebeing this is the silly website.


This page was last updated on 10/17/23.